Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear ex best friend: I am not mad anymore. I just want to know why you chose to talk about me behind my back and try to sabotage me. I wish I would have just asked you that instead of hastily deleting and blocking you from my facebook. However, I was extremely angry over the comment that your son left on my photography page. I would have never let any of my children disrespect you that way, even if I was angry with you. A disagreement between adults should just stay between adults. Believe me, there have been plenty of times my kids have wanted to defend me, but I refuse to let them. And then when I found out what had been said behind my back for months before all of that, I was hurt. I don't know why you would want to treat me that way. If you wanted to pursue photography, great. But it's been a hobby of mine for a long time and I wasn't going to give it up just because you decided it was something you wanted to do. And even though I don't feel I owe you an explanation, I'll give you one anyway. I started my photography page so I would have somewhere to showcase my photos. And that's still what it is. I was going to start charging but I am still not where I want to be. It would be nice to make a profit from it, but only if I can offer first class quality. But going back to my original thoughts... Long story short, I just wish that instead of going behind my back or getting your son to say something to me, that you would have come to me yourself. If you were upset with me you should have talked to me. If you want to talk to me, you have my email address or you could just unblock me from facebook and message me there.

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